A list of the greatest films ever made | As determined by all other like-minded lists | ||
Hello! You've reached the home of The Greatest Movies Project - an attempt to build a definitive list of greatest movies by combining all the lists that have come before.
On this site, you'll find three lists: an Overall list of the 100 Greatest Movies compiled from 17 different lists in the field, a list of the 50 Greatest Movies as determined by the experts, and a list of the 50 Greatest Movies as determined by the people. The experts' and people's approaches differ tremendously, and each have their merits, and on this site you can take one approach or the other, or simply go for the Overall list compiled from all the lists. You can see all the lists used to make up all three lists here.
Each film's entry on the lists is accompanied by a brief essay, which includes a memorable quote from the film, and some combination of a plot summary, some information about when the film was released and how it was made, milestones set by the film, and some description on why the film is so praised. Next time you're reading a list and find yourself wondering "Why did they include that film?!?" you can use this site to find out.
We are currently still formulating the list and will start unveiling it soon!
Knowledgable about film history? You can write one or more of the Greatest Movies Project's entries! Inquire by e-mailing mwmailsea at yahoo dot com.
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